Inna Zobova underwent major heart surgery at the age of 7, to which she owes both her life and her destiny. From this ordeal, she drew her own personal motto: “A scar that is an emblem of victory”.
Her story was picked up by the media, and so it was only natural that she should take up the role of ambassadress for the heart fund, a non-governmental organization founded by cardiac surgeon Dr. David Luu, to treat and operate on children suffering from heart disease in the world’s least developed countries. The fund has recently been active in the field in haiti, mauretania and india.
The Heart Fund is supported by many famous media figures and by spiritual leaders throughout the world, including mata amritanandamayi (amma) and the oracle to the Dalaï Lama.
As part of Inna Zobova’s commitment to the work of the heart fund, a percentage of profits on the sale of the scarves designed by her for INNANGELO will go to the fund.